
Mobile app to give trading platform for powerloom weavers and traders

YarnsandFibers News Bureau 2016-01-25 12:00:00 – Surat

A young computer engineer from Nirma University, Ahmedabad has developed a mobile application to bridge the gap between the powerloom weavers and textile traders of Surat, the country's largest man-made fabric (MMF) hub. The application also provides a secured trade environment.

With this new development now, the powerloom weavers have an opportunity to transact in a secure environment without worrying about the fly-by-night operators.

Pushpal Maheshwari, 20, who is pursuing computer engineer from Institute of Technology, Nirma University, calls his mobile application ConnecTex. The aim of this application is to make deals between traders, wholesalers and weavers of the city's textile industry, faster and secure.

Around 300 weavers and traders from the city have joined the network application for doing business in a secure environment.

ws. The users registering on the application are verified by the team of ConnecTex, before they are given the official login IDs.

The textile industry sees defaults to the tune of over Rs 200 crore every year. The fly-by-night traders are involved in the well-oiled cheating network to dupe the weavers.

Under the new mobile app, the weavers and wholesalers are given different login window

A wholesaler can view various qualities that the weavers have in stock at the current time and the price at which the weaver intends to sell it. Also, a given wholesaler can put up requests as to what quality (gray material) does he need from the weavers of the market and at what price.

Maheshwari, CFO of ConnecTex said that they have over 300 users and more than 90 qualities (materials) in their database and over 1,600 profile visits. Also, there have been 26 successful calls and more than 110 requests to buy/sell the qualities. The users have adapted to the application really well.

The main aim of the newly developed application is to keep the cheaters operating in the textile industry at bay. The application is free and can be downloaded from the Google Playstore.

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