
Durak Tekstil introduces chemical-free insect-repellent thread

YarnsandFibers News Bureau 2024-05-22 16:30:37 – Vietnam

Durak Tekstil has launched Durak Bug Safe thread, a healthy and eco-friendly option for keeping tiny insects and pests away from textile products without using harmful chemicals.

Durak Tekstil, a producer of industrial sewing and embroidery threads, addresses the issue of insects and flies in many applications, especially in bed and home textile products, with the Bug Safe thread. This thread, which is free from any chemicals harmful to humans and the environment, protects by repelling insects rather than killing them, thus contributing to ecosystem and environmental protection.

Durak Bug Safe thread, with a special and natural odor component, has proven effective in various textile applications such as bedding, furniture, carpets, and curtains with its insect-repellent feature. Initially designed for sewing, the thread can also be used for mosquito-repellent embroidery applications.

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