
Champion unveils hoodie to support mental health

YarnsandFibers News Bureau 2024-05-23 17:07:03 – USA

Champion®, the renowned athletic apparel brand, has introduced its latest innovation: the Champion Weighted Hoodie. Known for its history of breakthroughs, Champion is now venturing into weighted wearables and adaptive apparel.

Inspired by consumer feedback, the Champion Weighted Hoodie addresses the increasing demand for products that provide everyday comfort and mental health support. A 2022 survey of 19 to 35-year-olds indicated that over 90% were interested in calming techniques and weighted wearables from Champion. This hoodie offers relief without sacrificing style.

Weighing 8lbs and quilted with micro glass beads, the machine-washable hoodie leverages the benefits of weighted pressure to alleviate stress and anxiety. Developed in collaboration with Thera and tested by mental health experts like Dr. Kerri McBee-Black from the University of Missouri, the hoodie aims to provide comfort, safety, and security to a broad audience, fostering mental well-being through adaptive fashion.

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