You searched for: productivity and innovation

Walmart Foundation funds U.S. Regenerative Cotton Fund

The Soil Health Institute's (SHI) U.S. Regenerative Cotton Fund (USRCF) has received a $2,000,000, three-year grant from the Walmart Foundation.

2 years ago

Baldwin Technology to make textile finishing more sustainable

The Zeis Textiles Extension (ZTE) at North Carolina State University's Wilson College of Textiles is happy to announce a new…

2 years ago

Archroma launches its first-ever ready-to-use swatch book

Archroma introduces its first ready-to-use swatch book devoted to developing sustainable black and dark color essentials for faster time to…

2 years ago

South Korean apparel manufacturer adopts Coats Digital solution

Coats Digital has announced that SAE-A Trading Co. Ltd., one of the world's major garment manufacturers, has integrated Coats Digital's…

2 years ago

Piana Technology wins award for its E/SMART™ Fiber technology

Piana Technology, a 439-year-old textile firm known for innovation in the fiber and nonwoven textiles industries, was selected as a…

2 years ago

Blockchain-enabled digital platform aims to improve labor practices

Human rights non-profit Social Accountability International (SAI) is currently accepting applications from garment manufacturers in Bangladesh and India.

3 years ago

Archroma partners with Jeanologia to launch water-efficient denim dyeing process

The specialty chemicals company Archroma has collaborated with the finishing technology firm Jeanologia to take sustainable dyeing and finishing to…

3 years ago

Sateri establishes its sustainable 2030 vision

Sateri has launched its sustainable vision for 2030 to provide a framework for the company’s strategic growth in the coming…

4 years ago

Huntsman’s RIOPON® E3-SAVE makes dying more sustainable

The textile production house Huntsman Textile Effects, have ensured mills adopted ERIOPON® E3-SAVE textile auxiliary for polyester processing.

4 years ago

A world changing idea by Loomia’s smart textile system

Smart textiles designer Loomia has been awarded an honourable mention in two general categories today by Fast Company and its…

4 years ago