You searched for: production activities

Moscow region like to become centre of technical textiles production

In recent years, the development of technical textiles industry has become one of the priorities for the Russian government. The…

7 years ago

Dutch Govt ensure sustainable garment production and textile supply chain

The Dutch government with a broad coalition of industry organizations, trade unions, civil society organizations have tabled an agreement to…

8 years ago

Activities at Khan al-Harir fashion and textiles expo concludes in Damascus

The three day Khan al-Harir fashion and textiles expo named after a commercial district in the Old City in Aleppo…

8 years ago

VTT develops new production method to turn waste cotton into new fiber

A group of Finnish organizations have launched a project in the course of which the new production technique, cellulose dissolution…

9 years ago

KVIC take steps to modernize Khadi production

The Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) has identified Gandhigram Khadi Trust to implement Khadi Reform Development Programme and take…

9 years ago

Bangladesh jute spinners forced to cut production due to turmoil

The political turmoil in Bangladesh has hit jute export trade and income of the country's 96 private jute spinners. Overall…

9 years ago

Pakistan making efforts to increase production of sustainable cotton

Pakistan, the fifth largest global cotton grower and third largest exporter of raw cotton, is among the major growers of…

9 years ago

Textiles Complex in Tlemcen resumed its activities promising development prospects

The industrial complex of textile in Chetouane (Tlemcen) which presently comes under comes under the Algerian company of industrial and…

9 years ago

Chinese Cos duped by North Korean textile manufacturers used as a production base

The North Korean manufacturers are known as toll processors and use specialized equipment to produce export bound apparel for the…

10 years ago

Italian textile group makes use of solar power in their production lines

Textile factories consume a huge amount of power for their production, but by being able to product their own electricity,…

10 years ago