You searched for: yarn price china

Polyester yarn prices continue to rise in China, stable in India

In China, offers for 32s polyester yarn in Shengze were up US cents 5 a kg in the third week…

6 years ago

Polyester yarn price softens in India, China

In China, offers for 32s polyester yarn declined in the week ended 13th October 2017. Spun polyester yarn offers were…

7 years ago

Blended yarn prices rise in China, stable in India

In China, PC (65/35) 32s yarn prices inched up in the third week of September, while 45s PC combed yarn…

7 years ago

Polyester yarn prices rise in China, stable in India

In China, offers for 32s polyester yarn in Shengze were up US cents 9 a kg in the first week…

7 years ago

Cotton yarn prices fall in India, firm in China

In India, prices of 30s combed cotton yarn for knitting fell INR4 a kg in the first week of September…

7 years ago

Polyester yarn prices rise in China, India

In China, offers for 32s polyester yarn in Shengze rose US cents 3 a kg in the third week of…

7 years ago

Viscose yarn prices on uptrend in India, China

In China, offers for ring?spun 30s weaving yarn in Xiaoshan rose US cent 1 a kg in the third week…

7 years ago

Polyester yarn price jumps in China

In China, offers for 32s polyester yarn in Shengze moved up US cents 1-2 a kg in the second week…

7 years ago

Viscose yarn price edges down in China

In China, offers for ring?spun 30s weaving yarn in Xiaoshan were up in the second week of June, while compact…

7 years ago

Polyester yarn price softens in China

In China, offers for 32s polyester yarn in Shengze were down US cent 1 a kg in the last week…

7 years ago