You searched for: world average yield

Australian cotton production to rise 4% in season 2017-18

Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) forecast Australian cotton production to grow by four percent to…

7 years ago

Egypt plans to double cotton production for better export opportunities

In an effort to revive the Egypt’s rewarding cotton industry that can help its stagnant economy, the farmers enlarge the…

7 years ago

Indian cotton needs to restore its lost glory

The Indian Society for Cotton Improvement (ISCI) in collaboration with the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC), the Central Institute for…

7 years ago

Brazil backs revival of cotton growth in East Africa

The Brazilian government has embarked on a cooperation initiative in the East African region to help boost cotton production by…

7 years ago

Farmers likely to increase acreage under cotton

With cotton crop able to fetch relatively higher prices in 2016-17 and is expected to sustain remuneration levels in the…

7 years ago

Cotton prices maintaining strong apperance in recent months

In recent months, cotton prices have maintained a stronger appearance despite concerns about world demand, Chinese imports below historical levels,…

7 years ago

Kenyan govt to provide subsidies and training to revive cotton farming

The Kenyan Ministry of Agriculture to revive cotton farming which is mainly practiced by small holder farmer to give farmers…

7 years ago

Textiles Ministry keen to improve raw jute quality

The Union Textiles Ministry to improve the quality of raw jute and farmers’ yield in India as part of jute…

7 years ago

Bangladesh to remain major consumer of cotton in 2016-17

According to reports, Bangladesh is expected to remain the world’s largest consumer of cotton during the current year 2016-17, a…

8 years ago

India’s cotton output likely to fall to 540kg in 2016

India's cotton yields have fallen from 566kg per hectare in 2014 to 504kg in 2016 which is already among the…

8 years ago