You searched for: united states fashion industry association

Implications of TTP provision yarn forward on China and Vietnam

An important element of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade bloc, the 'Yarn Forward' agreement - a component part of the…

9 years ago

Apparel production scale in Asia to expand 2.4pc of global outputs by 2030

Vietnam Textile Summit 2015 was held in Hanoi, Vietnam, from June 25th -27th bringing together Vietnamese textile associations, textile enterprises,…

9 years ago

Certification system for clothing ‘Made in Japan’ to be launched soon

An industrial association of domestic apparel companies in Japan plans to soon launch certification system for clothing produced entirely in…

9 years ago

Investment by international firms catching up speed in Vietnam ahead of signing TPP

International firms seek to take advantage of benefits the country will potentially gain with the signing of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)…

10 years ago