You searched for: tuf subsidy

Gujarat show mammoth interest in TUFS with 90pc applications

Gujarat textile industry taking maximum benefit from the Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS). In TUFS under 15 percent MMS, 90…

10 years ago

Surat textile entrepreneurs eagerly await for simplified TUFS

Surat textile entrepreneurs, the country's biggest man-made fibre hub has welcomed the proposal that the government planned to simplify the…

10 years ago

Indian textile ministry decides to put all info related to TUF online

The Indian Textile Ministry has decided to put all information related to Textile Upgradation Fund (TUF) Scheme online. This will…

10 years ago

Maharashtra benefits over delinking TUFS gets textile projects worth Rs 12,000 cr

The delinking of Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) from the state textile policy has turned out to be a good…

10 years ago

Pakistan textile upset over non release of technology upgradation subsidy

Pakistan textile industry looking to its Ministry of Finance releasing fund which was earmarked in the textile policy 2009-14 a…

10 years ago

Texpreneurs to submit report on financial stress faced by the Indian textile industry

Texpreneurs Forum is planning to submit a report on the financial stress faced by the textile industry in the last…

9 years ago

Polyester fabric production falls by half

With production on a nosedive, all is definitely not well in the country’s largest man-made fabric (MMF) hub. Polyester fabric…

5 years ago

Switch to digital signatures – Textile Ministry to textile units

The unit is also required to fill the DPR field as per the Format enclosed at the time UID application…

6 years ago

Tamil Nadu plans to introduce new integrated textile policy

Tamil Nadu Government is planning to introduce a New Integrated Textile Policy to boost textile industry in the state, which…

6 years ago

Rise in ROSL funds to boost textile export

The Budget allocation for remission of state levies (ROSL) scheme has been raised to Rs 2,163.85 crore from Rs 1,555…

6 years ago