You searched for: task force

SIMA gives importance to price stabilisation fund

The price volatility often eroded the working capital and profit margins of the industry, restricting the industry growth rate between…

6 years ago

Traders urging to study the influence of GST on the textile sector

The FOSTTA office-bearers have stated that the production of man-made fabric has decreased from four crore meters per day to…

6 years ago

Illegal variety of seeds is a threat to crop biodiversity

Telangana Government has already issued guidelines against the use of glyphosate, a systemic herbicide and crop desiccant a hygroscopic substance…

6 years ago

NGT directs reopening of textile units in Rajasthan

The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has allowed the conditional reopening of 578 textile units engaged in dyeing and printing of…

7 years ago

ITF urge govt to announce textile policy

Indian Texpreneurs Federation urged Tamil Nadu State government to come out with a three year textile policy at the earliest…

7 years ago

Technotex India 2017 commences in Mumbai

The sixth edition of TECHNOTEX-2017, India’s premier Exhibition on theme “Technical Textiles: Towards Future” organized by Ministry of Textiles and…

7 years ago

Sri Lankan handlooms set to flourish again

Sri Lankan handloom runs through 3000 years of history, rich heritage and cultural diversity, even today its handloom products passes…

7 years ago

Ghanaian textile industry at a cross road due to cheap pirated textiles

The once-vibrant Ghanaian textile industry is at a cross-road due to pirated textiles smuggled into the country despite the government’s…

8 years ago

Telangana govt formulating textile policy in line with the national policy

The Telangana government is formulating a new textile policy which will include incentives that match with those given by states…

9 years ago

mPedigree introduces new technology to fight textile piracy of Ghana

The mPedigree network, a global leader makes use of mobile and web technologies in securing products against faking, counterfeiting and…

9 years ago