You searched for: supply phutti

Cotton market firm and steady on selective buying from needy spinners

With selective buying for quality cotton from needy spinners kept cotton market firm and steady on Thursday. The Karachi Cotton…

8 years ago

Cotton market saw firmness in prices on moderate trade

Cotton prices at Pakistan cotton market continue to remain firm on moderate trade on Friday as buyers remained in the…

8 years ago

Cotton prices see slight recovery due to sustained buying

The cotton prices recovered slightly at cotton market on Monday due to sustained buying by exporters and millers as there…

8 years ago

Cotton prices stabilized amid strong demand from spinners

Cotton prices remain firm amid strong demand from spinners, who were keen to replenish their stocks ahead of Eid-ul-Azha holidays…

8 years ago

Trade activity remains down at cotton market

Trading activity at cotton market remains down on Thursday due to easy supply of Phutti ahead of Eid-ul-Azha holidays, dealers…

8 years ago

Modest trade witnessed at cotton market

In the process of modest trade at cotton market falling trend persisted on Friady, dealers said. Also, the official spot…

8 years ago

Pakistan may need to import 2.5mn cotton bales due to output shortage

With Pakistan’s cotton sowing remaining 25 percent lower this year compared to the last year, its cotton production likely to…

8 years ago

Prices of seed cotton seen touching season’s high at cotton market

At the cotton market on Monday amid persistent demand for quality cotton, prices of seed cotton was seen touching season's…

8 years ago

Cotton market witnessed bullish trend

Trading activity at cotton market witnessed a bullish trend persisting on Tuesday. The official spot rate gained further Rs 50…

8 years ago

Cotton market witnessed price soaring to a seasonal high for new crop

As panicked spinners continued to book big-lot deals to meet their rising demand amid improved exports, cotton prices hit to…

8 years ago