You searched for: strong market indian cotton

Cotton prices remain firm on strong export demand

With an opening stock of about 4.5 million bales at the beginning of the 2016-17 season, the Cotton Association of…

7 years ago

Surge in cotton on back of strong buying from spinners and short supply

Cotton prices surged on Wednesday on the back of strong buying from spinners and short supply. At Karachi Cotton Exchange,…

7 years ago

Dull trading activity seen at cotton market

Trading activity remained dull at cotton market on Tuesday as ginners were reluctant to dispose of their stocks at prevailing…

7 years ago

Strong demand by Chinese for Indian cotton yarn to push exports

India’s overall cotton yarn exports remained under pressure during the current financial year due to sluggish demand from China, despite…

7 years ago

Cotton prices records new seasonal high

Sustained demand from needy spinners to replenish their stocks over tight supply of quality cotton and strong demand pushed Cotton…

7 years ago

Strong demand for quality cotton kept prices firms

Cotton prices remain firm with strong demand for quality cotton on Wednesday at cotton market. Buyers were keen to build…

7 years ago

Bhu sattva’s field to fashion products to hit India and abroad markets

Bhu:sattva, an Ahmedabad-based organic textile designer wear brand owned by Rising Tradelink Limited that provides eco-friendly classic clothing across India,…

7 years ago

Slow down in cotton trading as holiday mood prevails

As the holiday mood prevailed in world cotton markets, the local market have also come under the grip of general…

7 years ago

Slow trading on cotton market as spinner kept away from trading ring

Big spinners reducing their buying activity by keeping away from the trading ring as the issue of import of Indian…

8 years ago

Pakistan cotton market sees prices moving higher

Cotton prices moved higher on Wednesday on reports of Pakistan rejecting a consignment of around 10,000 bales of Indian cotton…

8 years ago