You searched for: strong demand quality cotton

Strong demand by Chinese for Indian cotton yarn to push exports

India’s overall cotton yarn exports remained under pressure during the current financial year due to sluggish demand from China, despite…

7 years ago

Cotton prices records new seasonal high

Sustained demand from needy spinners to replenish their stocks over tight supply of quality cotton and strong demand pushed Cotton…

7 years ago

Prices remain firm at cotton market

Cotton prices remain firm on Friday with steady flow of buying. Prices were being quoted at around Rs7,000 per maund…

7 years ago

Cotton prices move higher on short supply of quality cotton

Slow trading activity witness on Saturday at cotton market due to short supply of quality cotton. However, prices tended to…

7 years ago

Demand for better grades kept lint prices slightly higher

Cotton trading at Pakistan cotton market remained firm as buyers made deals for better grade of lint on slightly higher…

8 years ago

Renewed buying from spinners pushed cotton prices higher

With needy spinners rushing back eagerly to replenish their stocks to meet their near-future needs, heavy buying was witnessed which…

8 years ago

Persistent demand pushes cotton prices further higher

On the back of short supply and persistent demand for quality lint, prices has gain further at the cotton market…

8 years ago

Trade activity at cotton market witnessed improvement

Trading activity at cotton market on Wednesday witnessed further improvement with spinners doing some urgent buying of quality lint to…

8 years ago

Trading activity picked up rapidly at cotton market

Trading activity at the cotton market on Tuesday picked up rapidly with spinners rushing to book quality lint to meet…

8 years ago

Pakistan despite quality yarn to perform poorly in cotton export

Pakistan despite being the fourth largest producer of cotton has been performing poorly in cotton trade. The cotton consumption is…

8 years ago