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Demand for second grade of lint remains dominant during trading session

Demand of second grade of cotton remained dominant during trading, spinners purchased the commodity for blending purpose at Rs 6,425…

7 years ago

Active buying interest witnessed at cotton market

Active buying interest was seen for quality cotton as spinners fear there would be acute shortage of cotton in coming…

7 years ago

Trading activity remains slow on cotton market

At cotton market, spinners showed reluctance in buying the commodity at a higher rate as ginners were not ready to…

7 years ago

Demand for better grades of lint remain high at cotton market

During the trading session at cotton market, demand for better grades of lint remained on higher side and buyers made…

7 years ago

Dull trading continued at lint market

Dull trading activity continued at lint market as majority of stakeholders remained on sidelines on back Eid holiday and rains…

7 years ago

Demand remains high for better grades of cotton

Trading activity at lint market remains selective on grade issue while some buyers made deals on slightly high price on…

7 years ago

Active trading continues amid firm prices at cotton market

At lint market, buyers made majority deals which were grade-selective while some buyers made deals for second grade stuff on…

7 years ago

Shrinking better cotton grades keeps prices stable

Buyers bought better grades of lint on slightly higher price amid firm physical prices besides forward deals were made in…

7 years ago

Slower arrival of fine grades keeps trading selective on grade issue

With improved demand for better grades and tight cottonseed arrival to ginneries due to dull picking and slower arrival of…

7 years ago

Moderate cotton trading witnessed amid firm physical prices

Cotton trading remained moderate amid firm physical prices, traders said. At the The Karachi Cotton Association (KCA) spot rates were…

7 years ago