You searched for: ready market rates

Prices declined further at cotton market

The absence of buying interest from local spinners witnessed further decline in cotton prices on Thursday. Due to falling cotton…

6 years ago

Prices remain under pressure at cotton market

The lack of buying interest from local textile industry influenced by world cotton markets’ downward trend, kept cotton prices under…

6 years ago

No trading reported at cotton market

With buyers and sellers staying away from the proceedings kept cotton market conditions dull on Tuesday. The undertone was weak…

6 years ago

Extremely slow trading activity seen at cotton market

Trading activity resumed on an extremely slow tone as the week opened at the cotton market as buyers stayed away…

6 years ago

India’s textile industry getting hammered with imports flooding the market

Representatives of textile industry have come forward to register their "disappointment" with the government for ignoring the calls of an…

6 years ago

Sluggish trading at cotton market

Slow trading witnessed at the cotton market on Wednesday as leading spinners kept to the sidelines. Overall, the undertone was…

6 years ago

Slow trading activity witnessed at cotton market

Slow trading activity witnessed at the cotton market with prices remaining steady in the midst of short supply of quality…

6 years ago

Trading activity at cotton market remained modest

Moderate trading activity was witnessed at the cotton market on Friday, with needy spinners chasing quality lint but short supply…

6 years ago

Modest change in cotton rates

Cotton rates to move up modestly on the cotton market on Wednesday during the trading process with active buying by…

7 years ago

Cotton market witness some active buying

Renewed buying interest from needy spinners witnessed trading activity resuming slightly at the cotton market on Tuesday. However, overall sentiment…

7 years ago