You searched for: ready cotton sales

Modest trade witnessed at cotton market

In the process of modest trade at cotton market falling trend persisted on Friady, dealers said. Also, the official spot…

8 years ago

Cotton prices recover as spinners indulged in fresh buying

With spinners getting indulged in forward buying amid short supply position, prices recovered on the cotton market on Friday, dealers…

8 years ago

Baranovichi Cotton Production Association targets to double exports in 2016

Baranovichi Cotton Production Association is the largest manufacturer of textile products in Europe and CIS countries with the complete production…

8 years ago

Cotton output shortage to affect textile exports of Pakistan

Pakistan cotton crop for the year 2015/16 due to its sharp reduction in output, textile manufacturers are anticipate serious affects…

8 years ago

Sales tax to be levied on entire supply chain, manufacturing

The Pakistani Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has issued a detailed clarification in response to contentions expressed over double taxation…

8 years ago

Lackluster trading activity seen at Pakistan cotton market

Trading at cotton market was lackluster as demand remained soft though prices were mostly stable on Thursday. The seed cotton…

8 years ago

Cotton business remains dull in Pakistan with further drop in prices

Cotton business remains dull in Pakistan with further drop in prices and not much stocks of new crop cotton (2015-16)…

9 years ago

Turkish ready-to-wear textile delegation to attend MAGIC trade Fair

Chamber of Commerce of Kahramanmaras, Turkey, to lead a 16-member delegation of textile and ready-to-wear clothing executives to attend the…

9 years ago

TCP likely to issue multiple tender for sales of remaining 88,600 cotton bales

Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TCP) to issue multiple cotton tenders for the sale of the remaining quality of 88,600 cotton…

9 years ago

Pakistan cotton prices remain under pressure

Pakistan’s raw cotton prices due to fear of rain damage which may produce water-laden lint due to the continuing rainfall…

9 years ago