You searched for: punjab and sindh

Cotton prices stabilized amid strong demand from spinners

Cotton prices remain firm amid strong demand from spinners, who were keen to replenish their stocks ahead of Eid-ul-Azha holidays…

8 years ago

Rise in cotton prices seen on sustained buying by mills and spinners

Rise in cotton price was seen on sustained buying by mills and spinners on the cotton market on Saturday, dealers…

8 years ago

Cotton rates soar due to short supply and sporadic rains

Sharp rise in rates seen on the cotton market on Tuesday, due to short supply and sporadic rains in some…

8 years ago

Prices recover slightly as arrivals of Phutti from Punjab slow down

Prices recovered slightly on the cotton market on Tuesday with the fall in arrivals of seed cotton from the Punjab…

8 years ago

Moderate trading seen on back of brisk demand for fine grant lint

Brisk demand for fine and second grade lint kept trading activity moderate at cotton market on Saturday. Moreover buyers made…

8 years ago

Trading activity remain dull at cotton market on insignificant demand

Trading activity remained dull at the cotton market on insignificant demand from leading buyers. According to floor brokers, buyers made…

8 years ago

Heavy rains and constant demand keep cotton price high

Cotton prices rise further due to heavy rains and persistent demand by mills and spinners, at cotton market on Wednesday,…

8 years ago

Fine grade lint remains in demand during trading session at cotton market

During the trading session on cotton market, buyers made deals for all grades on slightly higher price at around Rs…

8 years ago

Rise in demand from textile industry push cotton prices upward

Due to rise in the demand from the textile industry, the cotton market maintained an upward trend on Saturday with…

8 years ago

Rise in cotton prices in response to high demand from spinners

At cotton market as mills rush to secure bales to meet their requirement ginners has raised asking prices in response…

8 years ago