You searched for: new york cotton futures

India raises cotton export estimate by 27 percent to 11.4 mn bales

India, the world's second-biggest cotton producer with strong global demand flowing from buyers beyond China as increased its export estimate…

10 years ago

Import duty rumour sets cotton markets in Pakistan on fire

Rumours that five per cent import duty will be imposed on cotton yarn in Pakistan set the cotton markets on…

10 years ago

Policy change China to cut sale price for cotton from its strategic reserve

From 1 April, the Chinese government will accept bids as low as 17,250 Yuan a ton for standard-quality cotton in…

10 years ago

Pakistan cotton prices witness drop despite rising price trend on the world market

In the face of rising price trend on the world markets, Pakistan has not only decreased local cotton prices, but…

10 years ago

KCA revises its cotton spot rate failing to generate substantial trade

The Cotton markets having failed to generate significant trade turnover in recent days, the Karachi Cotton Association (KCA) decided to…

10 years ago

Australian cotton production decline due to drought

Australia cotton production likely to see a decline as drought cut back crops and water availability. The area planted to…

10 years ago

Demand for U.S. Cotton picking up

The upland cotton—the most commonly grown variety in the U.S. net export sales totaled 223,700 bales in the week ended…

10 years ago

Chinese yarn makers shifting overseas unhappy by local cotton prices

Chinese yarn makers have started shifting production overseas to secure cheaper raw materials, even going as far afield as the…

10 years ago

Cotton trading declining due to rising prices

Rise in cotton price resulted in a decline in its trading activities at cotton markets in Pakistan. The trade turnover…

10 years ago

Demonetization hits Indian textile exports

Demonetization move has caused delay in the exports of 1 million bales of cotton from top producer India. The supply…

8 years ago