You searched for: minimum support price cotton

Govt mulls over hiking cotton MSP by Rs 160 per quintal

The government is mulling to increase the minimum support price (MSP) of cotton by Rs 160 per quintal, to Rs…

7 years ago

Soaring cotton prices and good demand bring smile to Maha farmers

Cotton prices hovering in the R5,700-5,800 per quintal range and good demand in the market, brings smile on faces of…

7 years ago

Smiles back on Malwa farmers with steady increase in cotton prices

Punjab's cotton belt is back to normal in crop output and rates having faced the worst-ever crisis due to the…

7 years ago

Cotton rates firm with CCI stepping in to make purchase

With the Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) resorting to purchase cotton at commercial rates from different parts of key cotton…

7 years ago

Cotton Corp resorts to purchase cotton at market rates to ensure supplies

The state run Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) a premier organization under the Ministry of Textiles has resorted to commercial…

7 years ago

Supply crunch soars cotton prices

The supply crunch in the textile industry had driven up prices higher than international prices and since the traders are…

8 years ago

Maharashtra might beat Gujarat in cotton production

In Maharashtra, cotton ginners are expecting a good season ahead, though cotton arrivals are likely to be delayed by a…

8 years ago

India’s cotton output likely to fall to 540kg in 2016

India's cotton yields have fallen from 566kg per hectare in 2014 to 504kg in 2016 which is already among the…

8 years ago

Textiles industry seeks measures to keep cotton prices stable

The textile industry of Southern India in the last two months due to rise in cotton prices is having an…

8 years ago

CCI to start sell remaining stock of cotton to SME sector

Following directions by the textile ministry, the Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) will now start selling its remaining stock of…

8 years ago