You searched for: maharashtra cotton market

Cotton price estimated to remain around Rs 4,800 per quintal at harvest

Kapas prices have remained firm in the range of Rs.5, 900 -6000 per quintal, over the past few weeks due…

7 years ago

Cotton imports touch an all-time high of 30 lakh bales this season

India’s cotton imports last time touched a record high was in 2001-02 when they were 25 lakh bales. But this…

7 years ago

Cotton production rise with a 3 year high

With favourable weather and market conditions for the production of cotton, India is likely to witness a rise in the…

7 years ago

Cotton to see boost in sowing and production on normal monsoon

One of the biggest commercial crop of India, cotton, is receiving a boost in its sowing and production as the…

7 years ago

Cotton production receives boost, yield crosses last year production

The cotton yield has received a boost as 6.6 lakh bales (each weighing 140 kg) of cotton have been procured…

7 years ago

Vidarbha farmers gets good result for higher GP cotton variety

Farmers in Wardha district, cultivating Surpass (Firstclass) a high lint cotton variety obtained good results in an experimental project conducted…

7 years ago

Panel formed to purchase of quality cotton for government textile mil

A central purchasing committee in Kerala to be formed which will replace private agencies and buy cotton directly from the…

7 years ago

Soaring cotton prices and good demand bring smile to Maha farmers

Cotton prices hovering in the R5,700-5,800 per quintal range and good demand in the market, brings smile on faces of…

7 years ago

Cut in Gujarat cotton procurement by Tamil Nadu mills

Gujarat, which has long been a hub for premium cotton for textile mills in Tamil Nadu, in the wake of…

7 years ago

Cotton rates firm with CCI stepping in to make purchase

With the Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) resorting to purchase cotton at commercial rates from different parts of key cotton…

7 years ago