You searched for: kept physical prices firm

Demand for second grade of lint remains dominant during trading session

Demand of second grade of cotton remained dominant during trading, spinners purchased the commodity for blending purpose at Rs 6,425…

7 years ago

Buyers seen making deals for better grade at lint market

With steady physical prices trading at lint market remained grade selective, buyers made deals for better grades of lint on…

7 years ago

Buyers at lint trading remains selective on grade issue

Leading buyer remained cautious in making any big deal as they only made deals on selective note depending on grade…

7 years ago

Trading remain at moderate pace with deals in second grade of cotton

Trading in lint market remained at moderate pace with buyers making deals for second grade of lint while forward deals…

7 years ago

Moderate trading seen on back of brisk demand for fine grant lint

Brisk demand for fine and second grade lint kept trading activity moderate at cotton market on Saturday. Moreover buyers made…

8 years ago

Focus on fine grade lint was seen during trading week

During trading week, fine grade demand combined with buyers’ eagerness for fine and second grade cotton for blending purposes kept…

9 years ago