You searched for: give tax incentives

Telangana govt in process of formulating textile policy

A number of textile players at the national and international levels are awaiting Telangana state government to unveil its textile…

7 years ago

Indonesian textile sales to rise by 10pc this year with focus on ecommerce

With growing number of Indonesian textile companies using e-commerce system or online sales has given rise to optimism in the…

7 years ago

Moscow region like to become centre of technical textiles production

In recent years, the development of technical textiles industry has become one of the priorities for the Russian government. The…

7 years ago

Apparel exporters to get reimbursement for state levies next week onwards

The Textiles Ministry securing Rs 500 crore from the Finance Ministry will now start reimbursing Apparel and garment exporters for…

7 years ago

Textile city to be established soon in Karachi

Federal Secretary for Textiles Ministry Amir M Khan Marwat addressing a meeting at the Federation House organized by the Standing…

8 years ago

India garment exporters to explore Iran market

Indian garment exporters are exploring opportunities in Iran, although the United States and the European Union are important markets for…

8 years ago

Exporters wait zero-rated regime notification to make shipment as per rule

Five Export Sectors' Associations in Multan have urged the Federal Minister for Finance and the FBR chairman to immediately issue…

8 years ago

Zero-rated regimes to help boost Pakistani value added textile industry

The Pakistan Government has provided all its possible support to ensure inclusive growth and employment generation in five export oriented…

8 years ago

New modified and simplified textile policy to be announced soon

The government to soon announce a new modified and simplified textile policy that aims at increasing the production and productivity…

8 years ago

Union textile ministry to boost textile sector considering interest subvention

The high cost of finance has been a major barrier for growth of the textiles sector, in a bid to…

8 years ago