You searched for: generated employment

VASTRA 2015 international textile fair all set to blaze a new precedent

Following the grand success of the VASTRA 2014 where business worth $85 million was generated, VASTRA - 2015 is all…

9 years ago

Texprocil welcomes Centre’s move to double time limit to avail cenvat credit

The Cotton Textile Export Promotion Council of India (Texprocil) welcomes the Centre’s move to double the time limit for availing…

9 years ago

Delays in announcing new policy tool can put Zimbabwe clothing manufacturers in jeopardy

The Zimbabwe clothing sector is already on its knees further delay from the government in announcing a new policy instrument…

9 years ago

Flipkart aims to help SMEs to generate business worth a million in 2015

Flipkart, an E-commerce major, through its platform aims to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to generate business worth Rs…

9 years ago

FATIA urges the govt to take measure to safeguard textile processing units from collapse

The Federation of All Trade and Industries Association (FATIA) has urged the state government to take measure to safeguard the…

10 years ago

UP textile industry going through tough time

Uttar Pradesh textile industry is going through hard time with low productivity, lack of advanced technologies, lack of foreign investments,…

10 years ago