You searched for: free trade agreement negotiations

African countries to begin export cotton duty and quota free

The World Trade Organization’s 10th Ministerial Conference held in Nairobi, Kenya, from December 15 to 19, was the first such…

8 years ago

EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement signed to take effect from 2018

The FTA is considered one of the most comprehensive and ambitious trade and investment agreements. The Minister of Industry and…

9 years ago

India’s export not to hit in a major way by the TPP trade pact

With India having already entered into bilateral and regional trade pacts with some members of the Trans Pacific partnership (TTP)…

9 years ago

MoC urged to negotiate fair trade deal instead of FTA with China

The FTA inked between the two countries China and Pakistan on November 24, 2006 is currently undergoing a review to…

9 years ago

TPP likely to impact India’s export share in global trade

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) which includes a group of 12 countries, led by the US reaching a tentative agreement earlier…

9 years ago

Pak, Thailand agree to start FTA negotiations this September

The first session of negotiations on Free Trade Agreement between Pakistan and Thailand will take place in Thailand on September…

9 years ago

EU trade agreement to eliminate tariff lines for Vietnam

After almost three years and 14 official rounds of talks and many mid-term negotiations between ministers, heads of delegations and…

9 years ago

Indian apparel exports may be hit by TTP agreement

Indian textile exports, especially apparels and denim, may be hit with the signing of largest free trade agreements, the Trans…

9 years ago

Free trade agreements help Vietnam becomes Fourth largest textile exporter in the world

Vietnam becomes the world’s fourth largest textile exporter having earned an estimated US$12.18 billion in the first half of this…

9 years ago

S. Korea and Vietnam to sign free trade deal to boost bilateral trade

Vietnam is South Korea's ninth-largest trading partner, with $21.09 billion worth of products shipped to the Southeast Asian country in…

9 years ago