You searched for: foreign traders

Pakistan register 10pc growth in raw cotton exports in Q1 of FY

Pakistan’'s raw cotton exports during the first quarter of current fiscal year (FY16) registered a 10 percent growth due to…

9 years ago

Mumbai’s Mulji Jetha market found flooded with Chinese textiles

Mulji Jetha market, a 136 year old textile market in South Mumbai and the largest textile bazaars in Asia with…

9 years ago

Use of jute bags affecting quality of cotton

Pakistan is the fifth largest producer of cotton in the world, the third largest exporter of raw cotton, the fourth…

9 years ago

TN govt urged to set up textile parks in every district to boost powerloom

At the State committee meeting of the Tamil Nadu Visaithari Thozhilalar Sammelanam held at Pallipalayam, on Thursday, a resolution was…

9 years ago

Sales and exports of Indonesian textile industry remain sluggish

Indonesian textile industry would still be pressured in the second half of the year and predicted that sales and exports…

9 years ago

Bangladesh MOTJ seeks equal facilities for jute goods like other agro products

The Bangladesh ministry of textiles and jute (MoTJ) has urged the ministry of finance (MoF) to provide equal facilities for…

9 years ago

Afghan cashmere a strong potential for growth

Afghan farmers not long ago collected the thick winter undercoat their goats shed every spring and threw it on the…

9 years ago

Aubervilliers Paris suburb turns into Europe’s biggest fashion market

Aubervilliers, north-eastern suburbs of Paris has turns into Europe's made-in-China clothing capital where traders recently opened the continent's biggest garment…

9 years ago

Pakistan likely to strike business deals worth $700 million at Textile Asia expo

The 14th Textile Asia Exhibition which began in Karachi, Pakistan at the Expo Centre, where former adviser to prime minister…

9 years ago

Trade volume between Pakistan and UK witnessed 18pc increase in 2014

British Deputy High Commissioner and United Kingdom’s Trade and Investment Board Director John A Tucknott in a luncheon reception organised…

9 years ago