You searched for: fine grade

Trading remains grade selective at cotton market

Trading at cotton market remained grade selective while buyers consolidated their future positions with fresh fine lots making forward deals…

7 years ago

Buyers seen making deals for better grade at lint market

With steady physical prices trading at lint market remained grade selective, buyers made deals for better grades of lint on…

7 years ago

Increasing demand for better lint grades keep prices steady

Increasing demand for better grades of lint remained in focus fetched premium price for shrinking stocks of better grades amid…

7 years ago

Cotton market witnessed selective deals on grade issue

The buyers made selective deals on grade issue and also strengthened their long positions by making forward deals at premium…

7 years ago

Slow pace of trading as buyers made selective deals for second grade lint

A slow pace of trading in the lint market witnessed as buyers made selective deals for second grade of lint,…

7 years ago

Bengal mills concern over poor grade raw jute stock yet to arrive in market

The production of raw jute is estimated at around 90 lakh bales in 2016-17 season, a section of jute mills…

7 years ago

Focus on better grades keeps lint trading selective

Grade issue forced leading buyers to make cautious deals during trading while the market sentiment remained firm, floor brokers shared.…

7 years ago

Lint price remain firm on back on better grades issues

The leading buyers remained selective on grade issues while other buyers made deals according to their immediate need of lint…

7 years ago

Demand for better grades kept lint prices slightly higher

Cotton trading at Pakistan cotton market remained firm as buyers made deals for better grade of lint on slightly higher…

8 years ago

Downturn in general lint prices seen on back of grade issue

During the trading session at cotton market, buyers were seen making selective deals according to their immediate need on back…

8 years ago