You searched for: crop year

CITI explains that cotton production is estimated to grow by 8.11 per cent to 373 lakh bales in 2017-18 season ending September over the previous year

The closing stock of cotton for 2017-18 would be around 49.81 lakh bales which is quite adequate for the textile…

6 years ago

India’s cotton export assessed to rise to 67 lakh bales in current year

The current 2017-18 marketing year which started in October, due to the rise in the output of the commodity, Parliament…

6 years ago

Top cotton buyers switching to Indian cotton as hurricanes hit US crop

With Hurricanes Harvey and Irma causing widespread damage to the crop in Texas and Georgia, major cotton producing states in…

7 years ago

Cotton crop estimated at comfortable position during the 2017-18 season

The Southern India Mills Association (SIMA) is estimating the cotton crop at 370 to 380-lakh bales of 170 kg each…

7 years ago

Farmers shifting to cotton this year

A ‘normal’ monsoon forecast and better price realisation by farmers during the current year likely to see increase in area…

7 years ago

Cotton production rise with a 3 year high

With favourable weather and market conditions for the production of cotton, India is likely to witness a rise in the…

7 years ago

Boom in Australian cotton crop production to continue next season

The boom in Australian cotton crop production will continue next season, as good returns prompt farmers to continue increasing sowing…

7 years ago

Cotton production receives boost, yield crosses last year production

The cotton yield has received a boost as 6.6 lakh bales (each weighing 140 kg) of cotton have been procured…

7 years ago

Plunge in raw jute prices on 10pc dilution plan and dwindling crop

With the Union textiles ministry’s plan to go for 10 percent dilution of the mandatory jute packaging order for food…

7 years ago

Oklahoma cotton is back after struggling dry years

Cotton County, Oklahoma , USA after years of struggling through dry conditions, the cotton fluffy white stuff has returned in…

7 years ago