You searched for: cotton prices expected increase

Teejay see decline in net profit over high cotton prices, taxes

Teejay Lanka Plc a Sri Lankan export fabric maker are facing decline in the Net Profit due to the challenges…

7 years ago

Global cotton production set to rise by 10pc during 2017-18 season

The global production trends report released this month, the International Cotton Advisory Committee projected world cotton production to increase by…

7 years ago

Unexpected rains have firmed up cotton prices

Delay in harvest of the fibre crop in the key growing regions of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Telangana and…

7 years ago

Govt to enter the market if cotton price touch or falls below MSP

With India looking at a bumper cotton crop, and presently cotton price of the fair and average quality is ruling…

7 years ago

Order flow from spinners and exporters kept prices firm on cotton market

As the day progressed trading activity kept rising on strong demand and flow of buying orders from spinners and exporters…

7 years ago

Indian cotton output to increase by10-15pc on rise in acreage for 2017-18

India’s cotton production is estimated to increase by 10-15 percent on higher acreage across the country in the forthcoming 2017-18…

7 years ago

This season cotton planting in terms of area almost double

Owing to favourable climatic conditions and high pricing of cotton , the planting of cotton crop has doubled in terms…

7 years ago

Moderate cotton trading witnessed amid firm physical prices

Cotton trading remained moderate amid firm physical prices, traders said. At the The Karachi Cotton Association (KCA) spot rates were…

7 years ago

World market likely to witness a marked increase in cotton production

Indian cotton growers have already signalled their intention to plant more. Area coverage as of June 2 was 12.2 lakh…

7 years ago

Cotton import contracts fall due to local trends and GST

Indian mills has began importing in January as local prices jumped due to limited supplies which is usually done in…

7 years ago