You searched for: bangladesh central bank

BB to introduce block account loan facilities for private jute millers and exporters

The Ministry of Textiles and Jute at a number of meetings highlighted the urgency for refinancing the jute millers and…

10 years ago

Assocham submits its 10 point agenda for the growth of India textile industry

Indian textile industry has is a huge opportunity to increase its global market share with Chinese textile industry reducing its…

10 years ago

Govt declares disbursement of its last installment of cash incentive for exporters

The Bangladesh government had announced cash incentives of Tk 25.92 billion to 19 export products for the current fiscal year…

10 years ago

BB to initiate its own refinance fund to the tune of Tk 2.0b for jute sector

Bangladeshi business people in the jute sector including exporters and jute mills will now get bank loans with a lower…

10 years ago