You searched for: second grade cotton

Demand for better lint grades keep sellers on driving seats

Demand for better grades of lint from buyer likely to keep sellers on driving seats as import price has been…

7 years ago

Cotton trading remains focused on quality at lint market

Depleting stocks kept quality conscious buyers on front foot with focus on better grades of lint amid steady physical prices…

7 years ago

Togo expects 20pc increase in cotton output during ongoing season

Togo, a West African nation on the Gulf of Guinea, during the ongoing season 2017-18 which open in May this…

7 years ago

Cotton spot rates decline in Pakistan

The spot rates of cotton have reduced by Rs100/maund as recorded at the Karachi Cotton Exchange. The spot rates decreased…

7 years ago

Moderate cotton trading witnessed amid firm physical prices

Moderate cotton trading witnessed amid fine grades of lint in focus, during trading session in Sindh and Punjab stations. Demand…

7 years ago

Demand for better grades of lint remains in focus during trading session

During trading session at lint market in Sindh and Punjab stations demand for better grades of lint remained in focus…

7 years ago

Demand for second grade of lint remains dominant during trading session

Demand of second grade of cotton remained dominant during trading, spinners purchased the commodity for blending purpose at Rs 6,425…

7 years ago

Demand of better grade of white gold likely to keep prices steady

Demand of better grades of white gold likely to keep prices steady while better grades of lint would fetch better…

7 years ago

Buying of second grade lint remained on higher side

Trading session at cotton market witnessed buying of second grade lint on the higher side with stable physical prices. Buyers…

7 years ago

Firm trading activity witnessed at cotton market

Trading activity remained firm at cotton market as buyers bought better grades of lint on higher than market physical prices…

7 years ago