You searched for: all grades

Increasing demand for better lint grades keep prices steady

Increasing demand for better grades of lint remained in focus fetched premium price for shrinking stocks of better grades amid…

7 years ago

Focus on better grades keeps lint trading selective

Grade issue forced leading buyers to make cautious deals during trading while the market sentiment remained firm, floor brokers shared.…

7 years ago

Lint price remain firm on back on better grades issues

The leading buyers remained selective on grade issues while other buyers made deals according to their immediate need of lint…

7 years ago

Fine lint remain in focus amid shrinking stocks of better grades

At cotton market, general price remained firm during trading activity and volumes were moderate as buyers were purchasing lint of…

8 years ago

Lint price remained overall firm on average volumes past week

With firm physical prices, lint trading remained fair as fine grades were in focus. The official spot rate remained firm…

8 years ago

Paraxylene price rises across all regions

Asian paraxylene prices inched up US$3.67 a ton CFR Taiwan/China and FOB Korea in the second week of January. Isomer…

8 years ago

Buyers stayed busy dealing in fine grades amid range-bound trading

Majority of buyers remained busy dealing in fine lint grades as trading remained range bound in cotton market. They made…

9 years ago

Indonesia plans to allocate Rp 100bn to revitalize old machines includes textiles

Indonesian Industry Ministry Saleh Husin has put the revitalization program on top incentive strategies for achieving the industry wide growth…

9 years ago

Pakistan cotton market witnessed higher demand for better grades

Pakistan cotton market saw higher demand for better grades while lint trading remained range bound. Buyers made cautious deals for…

9 years ago

Prices remain firm at lint market

Physical prices remained firm of all grades of cotton that kept market’s sentiments in the positive; while bottom line prices…

7 years ago