Logout | "; } else { echo "Login | "; }?> Trading Zone | Pricewatch | Industry News | Reports | Resources 


Enquiry ::

Sorry! This login name is already exists. Please try again

"; exit; } } if($other2 != "") { $ot = "$other2" ; } else { $ot = "" ; } $count=count($segments); for ($i=0; $i<$count; $i++) { $seg .= "$segments[$i]".","; } //echo $segments; $insert_query = "insert into `ynfx_revamp`.`ynfx_storefront_enquiry`( `id` , `login` , `company` , `subject` , `message` , `activity` , `segments` , `companyname` , `contactperson` , `designation` , `address1` , `address2` , `city` , `state` , `zip` , `country` , `telephone` , `cell` , `fax` , `email` , `website` , `about` , `enqdate` , `status` , `comment` , `commentdate` ) values('', '$login', '$for_company','$subject','$message','$activity', '$seg$ot','$company', '$person', '$designation', '$add1','$add2','$city','$zip','$state','$country','$tel','$cell', '$fax', '$email','$website','$abt_comp',CURRENT_DATE(),'', '', '0000-00-00')"; $insert = mysql_query($insert_query); if($insert) { $insert_id = mysql_insert_id(); $plan_query = "insert into `ynfx_revamp`.`plan_trail` values('','$insert_id','$plan')"; $plan_res = mysql_query($plan_query); $pass = crypt($password1,substr($password2,0,2)); if($login_validation == 'show') { //insert as a free member $mem_insert = "insert into `ynfx_revamp`.`member_corporate` ( `id` , `companyname` , `contactperson` , `title` , `address1` , `address2` , `city` , `state` , `zip` , `country` , `telephone` , `fax` , `email` , `website` , `regdate`, `login`, `password`,`about`,`status`,`plan`) values ('', '$company','$person', '$designation', '$add1', '$add2', '$city','$state','$zip', '$country', '$tel', '$fax', '$email', '$website',CURRENT_DATE(),'$loginname','$pass','$abt_comp','Underprocess_new','free')"; $mem_res = mysql_query($mem_insert); /*if($mem_res) { echo "Success"; } else { echo "Error"; echo mysql_error(); }*/ $trail_mess = " Dear Mini, $person from $subject Login Information ========================================= Login : $loginname Password : $password2 ========================================= Thanks, Team YarnsandFibers"; mail("[email protected]","Member from $subject",$trail_mess,"From: [email protected]"); mail("[email protected]","Member from $subject",$trail_mess,"From: [email protected]"); mail("[email protected]","Member from $subject",$trail_mess,"From: [email protected]"); } //echo $insert_query; if($profile) { $update_sel = "update member set `companyname` ='$company', `contactperson` ='$person', `address1` ='$add1', `address2` ='$add2', `city` ='$city', `state` ='$state', `zip` ='$zip', `country` ='$country', `telephone` ='$tel', `fax` ='$fax', `email` ='$email', `website` = '$website', `about` = '$abt_comp' where `login` = '$login'"; $update = mysql_query($update_sel); //if($update) {echo $update_sel; } else echo mysql_error(); } $sub = $subject; $message1= " Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you for your interest in this plant. Our team will be in touch with you shortly. Best Regards, Team YarnsandFibers ========================================== http://www.YarnsandFibers.com Tel : +9122 2282 5252 Fax: +9122 2202 3563 ========================================== "; $message2= " Dear Sir, Infomration about the user who is interested ".$for_company." Subject : ".$subject." Message : ". $message." Person name : ".$person." Company name : ".$company." Designation : ".$designation." Telephone No : ".$tel." Fax : ".$fax." Cell : ".$cell." Email : ".$email." Website : ".$website." Activity : ".$activity." Segments : ".$seg.$ot." About Company : ".$abt_comp." Address : ". $add1." ".$add2." ". $city."-".$zip." ". $state." ". $country." "." Best Regards, Team YarnsandFibers ========================================== http://www.YarnsandFibers.com Tel : +9122 2282 5252 Fax: +9122 2202 3563 ========================================== "; $header = "From: Yarnsandfibers"; $to1 = "$email"; $to2 = "[email protected]"; $to3 = "[email protected]"; $to4 = "[email protected]"; $mail1 = mail($to1,$sub,$message1,$header); //$mail1 = mail($email,'hi','bye'); $mail2 = mail($to2,$sub,$message2,$header); $mail3 = mail($to3,$sub,$message2,$header); $mail4 = mail($to4,$sub,$message2,$header); if($mail1 && $mail2 && $mail3 && $mail4) { //echo "
Mail sent
"; echo "

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your interest in this plant.
Our team will be in touch with you shortly.

Best Regards,

Team YarnsandFibers
Tel : +9122 2282 5252
Fax: +9122 2202 3563

"; } else { echo "Error while sending mail"; echo mysql_error(); } ?>


"; } else { echo ""; } ?>
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Our Machine Sales Department will be in touch with you shortly.

"; } else { echo "Please give us company/plant details to help us understand your requirements.
Our Machine Sales Department will be in touch with you shortly.

"; ?> Non-members please fill in the below form
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