No features found !!"; while($row=mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $id = stripslashes($row[0]); $title = htmlentities(strtoupper(stripslashes($row[1]))); $smalldescription = htmlentities(stripslashes($row[2])); $thumbnail = stripslashes($row[3]); $source = htmlentities(stripslashes($row[4])); $recorddate = mysqltime_to_mktime(stripslashes($row[5])); $recorddate = htmlentities(date("d M Y",$recorddate)); $displayfeatures .= "
$recorddate - by $source

$smalldescription Full Story"; } //prepairing glossary item for right banner $result = mysql_db_query($DATABASE,"SELECT *, id*0+rand() AS randcol FROM glossary ORDER BY randcol LIMIT 1"); if(mysql_error()) error("
  • Unexpected Error !!"); while($row=mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $term = stripslashes($row[1]); $meaning = stripslashes($row[2]); $image = stripslashes($row[4]); $neatimage = ""; if($image!="null") $neatimage = ""; $displayglossary = "Glossary$neatimage".h_($term).": ".h_($meaning)."
    "; } //prepairing industry events item for right banner $today = substr(mktime_to_mysqltime(time()),0,8); $result = mysql_db_query($DATABASE,"SELECT startdate, enddate, title, image FROM industryevent WHERE startdate >= $today ORDER BY startdate LIMIT 1"); if(mysql_error()) error("
  • Unexpected Error !!"); while($row=mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $startdate = stripslashes($row[0]); $startdate = mysqltime_to_mktime($startdate); $startdate = date("d M-Y",$startdate); $enddate = stripslashes($row[1]); $enddate = mysqltime_to_mktime($enddate); $enddate = date("d M-Y",$enddate); $title = stripslashes($row[2]); $image = stripslashes($row[3]); $neatimage = ""; if($image!="null") $neatimage = ""; $displayevents = "Industry Events$title
    ($startdate - $enddate)
    "; } //prepairing tradeassociation item for right banner $result = mysql_db_query($DATABASE,"SELECT count(id) FROM tradeassociation"); if(mysql_error()) error("
  • Unexpected Error !!"); $num = stripslashes(@mysql_result($result,0,0)); $displaytrade = "Trade AssociationsConnect to $num association around the world."; ?> <? echo $SITENAMEDISPLAYBIG ?>.com - Statistics of the textile industry, graphs, piecharts, world production
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    Get statistics on the world yarns and fibres production and production capacities. Know which countries are increasing production and of which fibres.
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    Industry Reports
    "; } ?>