You searched for: zero trash

Crystal International to embrace vision of zero operational waste to landfill

Crystal International Group Ltd (Crystal International) has made unceasing efforts to reduce operational waste generation and disposal at its global…

1 year ago

Eurofins unveils zero waste to landfill certification

In order to support its customers' fact-based pledges to zero waste, the Eurofins Assurance network of firms is pleased to…

1 year ago

US silk brand LilySilk launches a new Zero Waste Movement

Lilysilk, the world's leading silk brand based in the US, has launched its zero waste movement to raise awareness of…

2 years ago

Clothing and textile industries making progress toward net-zero emissions

The Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 final report was recently issued by the WRAP as the culmination of eight years…

3 years ago

Teatum Jones partners with Liberty fabrics to launch ‘Zero Waste’ initiative

London-based Teatum Jones debuted her Re-Love | Global Womanhood 2022 collection at Copenhagen Fashion Week as part of the Zalando…

3 years ago

ITF forms consortium purchase quality cotton to help spinning sector

Indian Texpreneurs Federation, an apex body of textile mills in the region alongwith its total members of 35 spinning mills…

7 years ago

Scotland has launched GBP2m (US$2.46m) Circular Textiles Fund

Scottish Government and sustainable organization, Zero Waste Scotland have launched a new GBP2m (US$2.46m) Circular Textiles Fund.

2 years ago

Lower cotton prices have bailed out Pakistani spinning industry

Lower cotton prices have bailed out the spinning industry to some extent and some closed units likely to resume production.…

10 years ago

Xeros Technology to explore upcycling of microplastics

Xeros Technology has partnered with the University of Surrey to jointly fund ground-breaking research to turn the microfibers recovered from…

1 year ago