You searched for: ten industrialists tirupur

Ten Tirupur industrialists committed to invest in Warangal textile park

The Telangana state is trying to woo investors to the mega textile park in Warangal. The park, which is coming…

7 years ago

Textile Research conclave to begin in Tirupur

Tirupur Exporters Association (TEA), NIFT-TEA Knitwear Fashion Institute, and the Indian Texpreneurs Federation is organizing a three day Textile Research…

6 years ago

Tirupur textile dyers increase dyeing charges with hike in raw material costs

Association of Tirupur (DAT) to balance the impact of the steep rise in cost of dyes/chemicals over the past fortnight…

8 years ago

Expo of latest imported gadgets held for benefit of Tirupur apparel industry

R. Sreenivasan, an academic development committee chairman of NIFT-TEA Knitwear Institute and a popular garment exporter, for the overall benefit…

9 years ago