You searched for: produced philippines

Where is ramie fiber produced in the world?

In the world, China is the biggest producer of ramie fiber and exports fibers mainly to Japan and Europe. In…

3 years ago

Where is a banana fabric produced in the world?

India is the largest cultivator of bananas followed by China and produces about 28.4 million tonnes per year. While India…

4 years ago

Where is pina fiber produced in the world?

The major producer of pineapple fabric is Asian countries. While the Philippines is the largest producer other countries include Thailand,…

4 years ago

Where is coir fiber produced in the world?

Countries such as India, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Fiji Islands, Vietnam, Hawaii Islands have suitable weather and tropical regions…

4 years ago

Bananatex®, world’s first technical fabric made purely from banana plants

Our recent interaction with Hannes Schoenegger, Co-founder and chief executive officer of Bananatex, talks about the company’s innovative textile material…

1 year ago

[Interview] Aquafil reimagining nylon 6 waste and giving it a second life

Our recent interaction with Giulio Bonazzi - Chairman and CEO of Aquafil Group, talks about Aquafil’s innovative product - Econyl.

3 years ago

[Interview] Aquafil reimagining nylon 6 waste and giving it a second life

Our recent interaction with Giulio Bonazzi - Chairman and CEO of Aquafil Group, talks about Aquafil’s innovative product - Econyl,…

3 years ago

What is the value of ramie fiber in the global market?

The global ramie fiber market can be segmented on the following basis: • Based on the type: On the basis…

3 years ago

What is the history and origin of ramie fiber?

Ramie is known to be one of the oldest textile fibers and is believed to have originated in the Malay…

3 years ago

What is the value of banana fiber or abaca fiber in the global market?

Abaca fiber or Musa fiber is also called manila hemp. This fiber is extracted from the leaf sheath around the…

3 years ago