You searched for: lint price

Lint prices remained firm at cotton market

Fine lint remained in focus with strong physical price during trading at the cotton market. Trading volumes stood thin as…

7 years ago

Lint prices in local market remained stable

At the Karachi Cotton Exchange on Monday, trading activity remained slow. KCE recorded domestic transactions of around 5,000 bales from…

7 years ago

Lint price remain firm on back on better grades issues

The leading buyers remained selective on grade issues while other buyers made deals according to their immediate need of lint…

7 years ago

Demand for better grades kept lint prices slightly higher

Cotton trading at Pakistan cotton market remained firm as buyers made deals for better grade of lint on slightly higher…

7 years ago

Downturn in general lint prices seen on back of grade issue

During the trading session at cotton market, buyers were seen making selective deals according to their immediate need on back…

8 years ago

Lint price remained overall firm on average volumes past week

With firm physical prices, lint trading remained fair as fine grades were in focus. The official spot rate remained firm…

8 years ago

Lint price remained firm as buyer focused on fine grade

During the trading session, buyers remained eager for quality lots keeping physical price firm in lint market, while prices remained…

8 years ago

Lint prices remained firm to tight during first half of this week

Some needy buyers made forward deals for all grades during trading session at lint market before the start of the…

9 years ago

Pakistan cotton market witnessed plummet in lint price due to slow demand

The slow moving demand and falling lint prices in major world markets has lead to further drop in cotton prices…

9 years ago

Cotton prices up on strong demand for quality lint by spinners

Prices up over sustained demand for quality lint from needy spinners to meet their seasonal requirements at cotton market on…

6 years ago