You searched for: entered international fashion industry

Inditex and IAF join forces for sustainable fashion

Inditex has entered into a partnership with the International Apparel Federation to encourage the adoption of sustainable practices within the…

7 months ago

Harold Tillman’s EFG partners with Hydrogen Utopia International

A company that specializes in converting non-recyclable mixed waste plastic into hydrogen and other carbon-free fuels has entered into a…

1 year ago

Copenhagen Fashion Week releases annual sustainability report 2021

Copenhagen Fashion Week has released its annual sustainability report, which includes an update on the second year of its 2020-2022…

2 years ago

Sustainable fashion to be the future

What does the future hold? Likely more eco-friendly awareness as younger generations increase their buying power. The CGS survey showed…

5 years ago

Foreign brands up in Vietnamese fashion market

Vietnamese consumer market is growing, and stiff competition could motivate domestic firms to change their production methods and business practices…

6 years ago

Shanghai to encourage firm to establish fashion branding

Shanghai plan to encourage firms to establish national and global brands, especially in fashion and mobile Internet industries as it…

9 years ago

Worldwide fashion and textile companies invited to participate in the ITDA competition

The International Textile Design and Technology (ITDA) aims to create a significant spur for designers and companies from all countries…

10 years ago

China to focus on cocoon silk industry

Cocoon silk industry is a traditional specialty industry of China. Since recent years, along with rising production cost and sluggish…

10 years ago

Boohoo Group expands safety commitment by joining the Pakistan Accord

Boohoo Group has confirmed its participation in the Pakistan Accord, an expansion of the International Accord for Health and Safety…

7 months ago

ZDHC & TMC to address microfibres within the wastewater

The Microfibre Consortium (TMC) and the ZDHC Foundation (ZDHC) have announced the next step of a significant endeavor to address…

2 years ago