You searched for: cotton seeds

Farmers have no alternative to the cost-intensive Bt cotton seeds

So far, licences for supply equal to 1.25 crore bags have been granted, with that of another 50 crore in…

6 years ago

Karnataka cotton growers facing crop failure due to Mahyco cotton seeds

The Karnataka government bans sale of Mahyco’s BT and hybrid seeds in the state as crops in seven of its…

10 years ago

New seeds to help cotton farmers to face drought

The U.S. is the world's leading cotton exporter, with an industry estimated to generate more than $21 billion of products…

5 years ago

RMRDC distributes seeds to farmers to revive cotton farming

The Raw Materials Research and Development Council (RMRDC) to revive cotton farming and textile industry in Nigeria distributed over 10…

8 years ago

Pakistan cotton growers anguish due to sale of substandard and low quality seeds

Pakistani cotton farmers facing a huge loss due to the substandard and low quality seeds sold to them which have…

10 years ago

S.Oliver Group initiates first traceable organic cotton supply chain

S.Oliver Group has launched the Empowering Farmers program which aims to sell organic cotton apparels made from its directly traceable…

9 months ago

Pakistan WWF and Artistic Fabric Mills partner to produce organic cotton

Artistic Fabric Mills has joined forces with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) to educate farmers in the Balochistan…

10 months ago

BASF’s e3 cotton program experiences exceptional growth

BASF’s e3 Sustainable Cotton program, the first transparent and traceable cotton supply chain, has announced exceptional growth.

2 years ago

Cotton made in Africa hits new supply and demand records

CmiA has experienced record levels of supply and demand, with new and old clients looking to purchase larger amounts of…

2 years ago

PST and OCA launch new project for organic cotton in India

Partnership for Sustainable Textiles (PST) and Organic Cotton Accelerator (OCA) have launched a new joint project in India called Partnership…

2 years ago