You searched for: cotton based apparels polyester

Ecoline Clothing turns plastic bottles into apparels

A Chennai-based clothing brand, Ecoline, is converting PET bottles into fashionable and sustainable clothing, like jackets, in order to recycle…

10 months ago

Rupees 800 million plan turns PET bottle flakes into polyester yarn

The BPPL looks forward to the diversification of its business lines into synthetic filament extrusion for other brush manufacturing and…

6 years ago

Apparel industry may be hit due to subdued demand from key importing countries

With subdued demand from key importing countries, the growth in apparel export may stay muted for a consecutive year in…

7 years ago

Spandex market to grow with increasing demand from textile industry

Spandex, a copolymer based on polyurea-polyurethane also known as elastane. Spandex fibers are significantly consumed in a wide range of…

8 years ago