"); //$r_report=get_related_reports($id,$p_type,$login);//fkahruddin: calling from here so that it get login status $status_ = "status ='a' or status='r'"; // r for paid news a for free $sql="Select status from ynfx_mis_ir WHERE visibility='1' AND ($status_) AND id ='$id'"; $result = mysql_db_query($DATABASE, $sql); $row=mysql_fetch_array($result); $st_status = $row['status']; //fakhruddins changhes for redirect to perticulart page when needed //print_r($row); //die($st_status . "
" .$id); //fakhruddin include file made by fakhruddin if($st_status == 'r'){ include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/preferredsupplier/login_inc_news.php"; //end //die($plan_a_r . $st_status);//commented if($plan_a_r == 'No MI Plan') { @header("location: /preferredsupplier/MI_Plan_Subscribe.php?view=IR"); die; } else if($plan_a_r == 'No Login') { header("location: /preferredsupplier/login.php"); die; } }//end include_once "revamp_function.php"; include_once "revamp_common.php"; include_once "../mis/includes/functions.php"; $r_report=get_related_reports($id,$p_type); if($BF=='Special') { array_special_reports($id,&$pid,&$nid); } if($BF=='Latest') { array_latest_reports($id,&$pid,&$nid); } if($BF=='Archive'){ array_archive_reports($id,$cyear,&$pid,&$nid); } if($BF=='Search'){ array_search_reports($id,$keyword,&$pid,&$nid); } if((!$BF)||($BF=="")) { array_latest_reports($id,&$pid,&$nid); } $source=ir_source($id,$s_type); //checking if he has logged in if yes then take him to the respective page $sql= "SELECT memberlogin, memberexpdate FROM logger WHERE abc='$abc'"; $result = mysql_db_query($DATABASE,$sql); if(mysql_error()) error("Unexpected Error"); $count = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($count!=0) { $login=stripslashes(mysql_result($result,0,0)); //$expdate=mysqltime_to_mktime(stripslashes(mysql_result($result,0,1))); $expdate=(stripslashes(mysql_result($result,0,1))); $currenttime=time(); $cdate=substr(mktime_to_mysqltime(time()),0,8); if($source!="Google") { if($expdate < $cdate) { //header("location:../mis/home.php"); echo ""; exit; } } trapuser($login,'Industry Reports'); $sql="select plan, id, country from member where login='$login'"; $result=mysql_db_query($DATABASE,$sql); $planm=mysql_result($result,0,0); $mid=mysql_result($result,0,1); $mctry=mysql_result($result,0,2); if(($planm == '4~6')||($planm == '4~12')||($planm == '4~07')||($planm == '3~6')||($planm == '3~12')||($planm == '3~07')||($planm == '13~6')||($planm == '13~12')||($planm =='13~Grace Period')) { } else { /*if($source!="Google") { echo"$source
"; echo"pallab"; exit; echo ""; exit; }*/ if(($source == "Textile Intelligence")||($source == "Google")||($source == "Special Reports")) { $go = urlencode("!revamp_ir/report_fullstory.php?id=$id§ion=$section&story_type=F"); } if($source == "YarnsandFibers Paid"){ echo "in 2nd if"; echo ""; exit; } } } if(!$count) // means not logged in { if(($source == "Textile Intelligence")||($source == "Google")||($source == "Special Reports")) { $go = urlencode("!revamp_ir/report_fullstory.php?id=$id§ion=$section&story_type=F"); } if(($source == "YarnsandFibers Free")||($source == "YarnsandFibers Paid")) { $go = urlencode("!revamp_ir/report_fullstory.php?id=$id§ion=$section&story_type=F"); echo ""; exit; } } $reports=get_detail_reports($id,$searchSTR,$abc); $query="Select source, header, body, date_ir, id,country,price,price_insert,link,product,subproduct,source from ynfx_mis_ir WHERE id='$id'"; $result=mysql_db_query($DATABASE,$query); if(mysql_error()) error("Unexpected Error"); if(mysql_num_rows($result)) { while($row=mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $source_t=unserialize($row[0]); $header=stripslashes($row[1]); $body=stripslashes($row[2]); $date_ir=date("d M Y",$row[3]); $id_i=stripslashes($row[4]); $country_t = unserialize($row[5]); $price=stripslashes($row[6]); $price_insert= $row[7]; $link = $row[8]; list($content, $description) = explode("Unique_Divide_Middle:", $body); // echo "$content
"; // echo "$description
"; $body_t=split("\^",$body); $source_id=$source_t[0]; $product = $row[9]; $subproduct = $row[10]; $SOURCE_reports = unserialize($row[11]); $PRODUCT_reports = unserialize($product); $SUBPRODUCT_reports = unserialize($subproduct); if(!is_array($PRODUCT_reports)) $PRODUCT_reports=Array(); if(!is_array($SUBPRODUCT_reports)) $SUBPRODUCT_reports=Array(); $body_t[1]=ereg_replace("List of contents","List of contents",$body_t[1]); $body_t[1]=ereg_replace("List of tables","List of tables",$body_t[1]); $body_t[1]=ereg_replace("List of figures","List of figures",$body_t[1]); //$price = $body_t[2]; foreach($SOURCE_reports as $s_id) { $sql_n="SELECT name,id FROM `ynfx_mis_ir_source` WHERE `id` ='$s_id' and enable='1'"; $result_n=mysql_db_query($DATABASE,$sql_n); if(mysql_error()) error("Unexpected ERROR"); $field = mysql_fetch_array($result_n); $type=$field['name']; $id.$cid .= $id.$type; } $f_type=$id.$cid; if(eregi('Textiles Intelligence',$f_type)){$st1=1;} if(eregi('YarnsandFibers Free',$f_type)){$st1=2;} if(eregi('YarnsandFibers Paid',$f_type)){$st1=3;} if(eregi('Google',$f_type)){$st1=4;} if(eregi('Special Reports',$f_type)){$st1=5;} if($st1==1){ $value="Textiles Intelligence"; $source="Textiles Intelligence"; } if($st1==2){$value="FREE MEMBERS"; $source="YarnsandFibers Free"; } if($st1==3){ $value="PAID MEMBERS"; $source="YarnsandFibers Paid"; } if($st1==4){ $value="FREE REPORTS"; $source="Google"; } if($st1==5){ $value="YnFx PAID REPORTS"; $source="Special Reports"; } $query_co="select name from ynfx_mis_country where enable='1' and id='$country_t[0]'"; $result_co=mysql_db_query($DATABASE,$query_co); $row=mysql_fetch_array($result_co); $country=$row['name']; foreach($PRODUCT_reports as $p_id) { $sql_n="SELECT name FROM `ynfx_mis_product` WHERE `id` ='$p_id' and enable='1'"; $result_n=mysql_db_query($DATABASE,$sql_n); if(mysql_error()) error("Unexpected ERROR"); $field = mysql_fetch_array($result_n); $full_p_type = $field['name']; } if(eregi('N',$product)) { foreach($SUBPRODUCT_reports as $p_id) { $sql_n="SELECT name FROM `ynfx_mis_subproducts` WHERE `id` ='$p_id' and enable='1'"; $result_n=mysql_db_query($DATABASE,$sql_n); if(mysql_error()) error("Unexpected ERROR"); $field = mysql_fetch_array($result_n); $full_p_type = $field['name']; } } $body_h=""; $body_h.=""; $body_h.=""; $body_h.=""; $body_h.="
"; $body_h.=""; $body_h.=""; $body_h.=""; $body_h.=""; $body_h.="
"; $body_h.="
"; $body_f=""; $body_f.=""; $body_f.=""; $body_f.=""; $body_f.="
"; $body_f.=""; $body_f.=""; $body_f.=""; $body_f.=""; $body_f.="
"; $body_f.="
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"; $body_p.="
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$price_insert"; $main .=""; $main .=""; $main .="$price"; $main .=""; if($value == "YnFx PAID REPORTS") { $main .=""; $main .=""; if(($desc == 'yes')||($report_show == 'First')) { $main .=""; $main .=""; $main .=""; } else { $main .=""; $main .=""; $main .=""; } $main .=""; $main .=""; if($cont == 'yes'){ $main .=""; $main .=""; $main .=""; } else { $main .=""; $main .=""; $main .=""; } $main .=""; $main .=""; } if($value != "YnFx PAID REPORTS") { $main.=""; $main.="$body_h"; $main.=""; $main .=""; $main .=""; $main .=""; // $main .="$body_f"; $main .=""; $main .=""; } if($show=="Description") { $main.=""; $main.="$description"; $main.=""; $main .=""; $main .=""; $main .=""; $main .="$body_f"; $main .=""; $main .=""; } elseif($show=="Content_Type") { $main.=""; $main.="$content"; $main.=""; $main .=""; $main .=""; $main .=""; $main .="$body_f"; $main .=""; $main .=""; } else{ $main.=""; $main.="$description"; $main.=""; $main .=""; $main .=""; $main .=""; $main .="$body_f"; $main .=""; $main .=""; } //check if($count==0){ $main.=""; $main.="$price"; $main.=""; } //end check $main .=""; $main .=""; $main .="$body_p"; $main .=""; $main .=""; if($count!=0){ $main .=""; $main .=""; $main .="
"; $main .="$price"; $main .="
"; $main .=""; $main .="
"; } }//end of while }//end of if $colorofpopupbg="#D7F4FF"; ?> <? echo $title ?>


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