0;$j--) { $n=$subject[$j]; if(ereg("[[:space:]]",$n)) { break; } } //now $j has the value of the starting address of the email $j=$j+1; for($k=$j;$k<$len;$k++) { $n=$subject[$k]; if(ereg("[[:space:]]",$n)) { break; } } $l=$k-$j; $substring=substr($subject,$j,$l); $pat=""; $subject=ereg_replace(trim($substring),$pat,trim($subject)); return($subject); }//end of if return($subject); }//end of functionstime = $this->get_microtime(); }//end start_time function end_time(){ $this->etime = $this->get_microtime(); }//end start_time function elapsed_time(){ return ($this->etime - $this->stime); }//end start_time }//end BC_Timer class ?>terms and conditions of the YnFxchange Auctions on YarnsandFibers.com. A copy of the terms and conditions will be emailed to you for acceptance."; $MSG_024_3 = "Please confirm your acceptance by typing ACCEPT (CAPITALS only)"; $MSG_024_4="All person/s registering on YnFxauctions - YarnsandFibers.com agree to have read and to abide by the following terms and conditions."; ####################################### STAPLE ################################################### $MSG_025 = "Sell Staple Fiber"; $MSG_026 = "Name of product"; $MSG_027 = "Specification of the product"; $MSG_028 = "Fineness"; $MSG_029 = "Staple length ( mm )"; $MSG_030 = "Color/Luster"; $MSG_031 = "Grade"; $MSG_032 = "Quantity"; $MSG_033 = "Other conditions"; $MSG_034 = "Port of shipment / discharge"; $MSG_035 = "Payment terms"; $MSG_036 = "Reserve price per unit
Sellers should specify prices on FOB basis, and Buyers on CIF basis."; $MSG_036_1="FOB"; $MSG_036_2="CIF"; $MSG_037 = "Expiry date"; $MSG_037_1 = " (minimum 7 days)"; $MSG_038 = "  ( numbers only - you can use decimals )"; $MSG_039 = "Bright"; $MSG_040 = "Bright trialobal"; $MSG_041 = "Dope dyed semi dull"; $MSG_042 = "Dope dyed bright"; $MSG_043 = "Package dyed semi dull"; $MSG_044 = "Package dyed bright"; $MSG_045 = "Raw white semi dull"; $MSG_046 = "Natural"; $MSG_047 = "Shipment Date"; $MSG_048 = "Choose any one"; $MSG_049 = "A grade"; $MSG_050 = "B grade"; $MSG_051 = "Other"; $MSG_052 = "Month"; $MSG_053 = "January"; $MSG_054 = "February"; $MSG_055 = "March"; $MSG_056 = "April"; $MSG_057 = "May"; $MSG_058 = "June"; $MSG_059 = "July"; $MSG_060 = "August"; $MSG_061 = "September"; $MSG_062 = "October"; $MSG_063 = "November"; $MSG_064 = "December"; $MSG_065 = "Year"; $MSG_066 = "2000"; $MSG_067 = "2001"; $MSG_068 = "2002"; $MSG_069 = "2003"; $MSG_070 = "2004"; $MSG_071 = "2005"; $MSG_072 = "Day"; $MSG_073 = "01"; $MSG_074 = "02"; $MSG_075 = "03"; $MSG_076 = "04"; $MSG_077 = "05"; $MSG_078 = "06"; $MSG_079 = "07"; $MSG_080 = "08"; $MSG_081 = "09"; $MSG_082 = "10"; $MSG_083 = "11"; $MSG_084 = "12"; $MSG_085 = "13"; $MSG_086 = "14"; $MSG_087 = "15"; $MSG_088 = "16"; $MSG_089 = "17"; $MSG_090 = "18"; $MSG_091 = "19"; $MSG_092 = "20"; $MSG_093 = "21"; $MSG_094 = "22"; $MSG_095 = "23"; $MSG_096 = "24"; $MSG_097 = "25"; $MSG_098 = "26"; $MSG_099 = "27"; $MSG_100 = "28"; $MSG_101 = "29"; $MSG_102 = "30"; $MSG_103 = "31"; $MSG_104 = "Bales"; $MSG_105 = "Weight/bale"; $MSG_106 = "Bales/container"; $MSG_107 = "Container load"; $MSG_108 = "Packing details (optional for buyer)"; $MSG_109 = "Additional information"; $MSG_110 = "You can further specify product information such as functionality, reliability, tests, certification, and regulatory compliance.
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wise composition )"; $MSG_273 = "Denier"; $MSG_273_1 = "Micron"; $MSG_274 = "Other information"; ############################################ Machinery ########################################### $MSG_281 = "Sell Machinery"; $MSG_281_1 = "Specifications"; //start of product list for machinery $MSG_282 = "Machinery-Spinning"; $MSG_283 = "Machinery-Filament"; $MSG_284 = "Machinery-Weaving"; $MSG_285 = "Machinery-Knitting"; $MSG_286 = "Machinery-Finishing"; $MSG_287 = "Machinery-Non Woven"; $MSG_288 = "Machinery-Spare Parts"; $MSG_289 = "Machinery-Quality Control"; //end of product list for machinery $MSG_289_1 = "Machinery"; $MSG_290 = "Product"; ######################################### Capacity Exchange ######################################### $MSG_291 = "Sell CAPACITY"; $MSG_292 = "Location"; $MSG_293 = "Unit of Measure"; $MSG_294 = "Duration (from)"; $MSG_295 = "Duration (to)"; $MSG_296 = "Metric Tonnes"; $MSG_297 = "Kilo Grams"; $MSG_298 = "Kilo Litres"; $MSG_299 = "Number"; $MSG_300 = " Meters "; $MSG_301 = "Description of facility"; $MSG_302 = ""; $MSG_303 = ""; $MSG_304 = ""; $MSG_305 = ""; ######################################### Intermediates ############################################# $MSG_306 = "Sell Intermediate"; $MSG_307 = "Specification"; $MSG_308 = ""; $MSG_309 = ""; $MSG_310 = ""; $MSG_311 = ""; $MSG_312 = ""; $MSG_313 = ""; $MSG_314 = ""; $MSG_315 = ""; ############################################## Punctuation ########################################## $MSG_501=" / "; // forward slash( / ) $MSG_502 = " - "; // hyphen( - ) $MSG_503 = " % ";// percentage( % ) $MSG_504 = " : ";// colon( : ) $MSG_505 = " , ";// comma( , ) $MSG_506 = " | ";// pipe ( | ) $MSG_507 = " * ";// pipe ( | ) $MSG_508 = " " ;// space ( ) ############################################# Display Auctions ####################################### $MSG_601="Last created auctions"; $MSG_602="Time left"; $MSG_603="Closing bid"; $MSG_604="Expiry date"; $MSG_604_1="Closing date"; $MSG_605="Bidders"; $MSG_606="Buy/Sell"; $MSG_607 =" days, "; $MSG_608 ="h"; $MSG_609 ="m"; $MSG_610 ="s"; $MSG_611 ="Bid History"; $MSG_611_1 ="Offer History"; $MSG_612 ="Details"; $MSG_613 ="Bid Value"; $MSG_613_1 ="Offer Value"; $MSG_614 ="Server Date"; $MSG_614_1 ="Server Time"; $MSG_614_2 ="Current Server Date: "; $MSG_614_3 ="Current Server Time: "; $MSG_615 ="Close"; $MSG_616 ="Active auctions"; $MSG_617 ="of"; $MSG_618 ="Detailed information for staple"; $MSG_619 ="for"; $MSG_620 ="Staple Fiber"; $MSG_621 ="Spun Yarn"; $MSG_622 ="Filament Yarn"; $MSG_623 ="Fabrics"; $MSG_624 ="Intermediates"; $MSG_625 ="Machinery"; $MSG_626 ="Capacity"; $MSG_626_1 ="View "; $MSG_627 ="Place Your Bid"; $MSG_628 ="Starting bid"; $MSG_629 ="Increment"; $MSG_629_1 ="Decrement"; $MSG_630 ="Current bid"; $MSG_631 ="No bid"; $MSG_632 ="No bid is made for this auction"; $MSG_633 ="Auction Admin Panel"; $MSG_634 ="Approve"; $MSG_635 ="Delete"; $MSG_636 ="Edit"; $MSG_637 =" View Active"; $MSG_638 ="View Closed"; $MSG_639 ="View all"; $MSG_640 ="Post an auction"; $MSG_641 ="Go"; $MSG_642 ="Search"; $MSG_643 ="Help"; $MSG_644 ="The auctions marked with * sign are closed."; $MSG_645 ="To view details of auction click on the 'details'."; $MSG_645_1 ="Get"; $MSG_645_2 ="qualified"; $MSG_645_3 ="to participate in an auction"; $MSG_645_4 ="To setup an auction, choose your product under 'Make Auctions'"; $MSG_645_5 ="You are already qualified to participate in YnFxchange Auctions."; $MSG_645_6 ="Your application for participation in YnFxchange Auctions is under process."; $MSG_645_7 ="To bid for an auction view product "; $MSG_645_8 ="Dear"; $MSG_645_8_0 ="You submission for setting up an Auction on YnFxchange Auctions was successfully received."; $MSG_645_8_1 ="Thank you for choosing YarnsandFibers, The eMarketplace for the yarns and fibers industry, globally!"; $MSG_645_8_2="Your details are currently being reviewed, once approved, your request will go live and be visible to all the members."; $MSG_645_9 ="In the meantime, please feel free to use the"; $MSG_645_9_0 ="Please feel free to use the"; $MSG_645_9_1="Live Help"; $MSG_645_9_2= "or contact us at auctions@yarnsandfibers.com for any assistance that you may require."; $MSG_645_10 ="
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